Minggu, 20 Desember 2009




Do you know how can you born in the world? Yes, it is about your mother and your father. Have you ever heard about reproduction process? Can you tell me the most important organ in the reproduction system? Yes, Man have testis, tubulus seminiferus, epididimis, vas deferens, vesika seminalis, duktus ejakulatorius, uretra, vesikula seminalis, kelenjar prostat, kelenjar bulbouretral and woman have ovarium, tuba fallopi, uterus, vagina.

Reproduction process is a process when the sperm meets egg. It is the time when happened fertilization. Many processes are happened in reproduction process. Well, let me explain.
The first phase, it is about a man. Sperm will mature in the epididimis. Then, sperm will go to vesika seminalis via vas deferens where channel for carry sperm to vesika seminalis. Finally, sperm until uretra. So many sperm are gone out to fertilization but just one sperm can do fertilization. Sperm will met ovum.

The second phase, it is about woman. Ovarium is ovum place. Oosit primer will split with meiosis. This process is influenced FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). Then, Folicle cells produce estrogen. Estrogen can stimulate hipofisis for produce LH (Luteinizing Hormone). LH is produced for ovulation. It is deferent with sperm. Woman only can produce one ovum for fertilized. Ovum will go to tuba fallopi. After sperm go into uterus, contraction in the uterus will help sperm to approach ovum. If ovum can meet sperm, it is happened fertilization. Zigot will grow to become embrio in the uterus since fertilization. Day by day, embrio will grow to become a baby for 266 days or 9 months and 10 days. You can born in the world.

Oh, I almost forgot, what happened if ovum can’t meet with sperm? Ovum don’t ferilized. Uterus wall will shed. It can happen menstruation. It will go off blood from uterus. Generally, woman feel sick when they have menstruation. It will happen every month. But, you can relax because it is normal.

Okay, have you got it? If you don’t understand, how about going to the library and searching more explanations about it? Well, sorry. I guess time is up for today. See you and good luck.

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